Thank you for attending Heroes of Data and Privacy 2023!

We appreciate your presence and value your insights. Help us make future events even better by taking a few minutes to complete our survey below. Your feedback is essential in shaping our upcoming events and creating a remarkable experience for all attendees.

Thank you for being a part of our mission to advance data privacy. We look forward to hearing from you!

Heroes of Data & Privacy 23 Follow-Up Survey
Did the event meet your expectations?
0 - Not at all
10 - Yes, absolutely
How would you rate the agenda?
0 - Boring
10 - Extremely interesting
How would you rate the organisation?
0 - Very bad
10 - Extremely good
How would you rate the location?
0 - Did not like it at all
10 - Very nice
Which topics did you like most? (multiple answers allowed)
Which session did find valuable? (multiple answers allowed)
How likely are you to recommend the event to a friend or colleague?
0 - Not at all
10 - Extremely likely
Would you attend the event again next time?
Do you want to be informed about the next Heroes-Event?
Would you like to know more about synthetic users technology?



Was ist Server-Side Tracking?

Ein ausführlicher Überblick über Server-Side Tracking für Online-Marketer und Web-Analysten.


Meta Signals Gateway – Überblick, Funktionsweise und Vergleich mit Alternativen

Wie passt diese Lösung zu den Anforderungen moderner Datenmanagement-Strategien?


Alles über Consent Banner: Von den Basics zu Best Practices

Cookie Banner sind unverzichtbare Tools für datenschutzkonformes Webdesign – sie können dabei sowohl Nutzervertrauen stärken als auch gesetzliche Anforderungen erfüllen.