LinkedIn CAPI with JENTIS

Get better and more reliable conversions to improve your LinkedIn Ad Campaigns

The LinkedIn CAPI, or LinkedIn Conversion API, is a powerful tool by LinkedIn that allows conversion data to be sent directly from your server to LinkedIn’s server, without the need of tracking methods on the client-side such as the use of cookies or pixels.

With the use of JENTIS and our LinkedIn CAPI connector, ad-blockers and tracking preventions have no impact on your tracking, giving you better and more reliable data to boost your campaigns, improve audience targeting and increase your return on investment.

With JENTIS, you collect even more qualified data – including essential anonymised data on cases where consent is not given by using our Essential Mode feature –, and share it with LinkedIn CAPI and over 100 marketing and analytics tools.

Get more and better data for your LinkedIn campaigns

Get more and better data for your LinkedIn campaigns

Track conversion events on your website on the server-side, bypassing ad-blockers and disabled content. Use the JENTIS Essential Mode to collect essential anonymised data regardless of consent.

Performance Optimierung durch Server-Side Tracking

Maximize ROI

Use all this reliable data to improve your ad investment on LinkedIn, reach better and more qualified audiences, and maximize your return on investment. Even better: get all of this in real-time to make fast optimizations on your campaigns.

Bessere Customer Journeys

Increase data control

Decide exactly how do you want to share this data in real-time with LinkedIn – from fully identifiable to anonymized.


Simple and reliable set-up

No need to connect several tools directly on your website compromising its’ performance. With JENTIS, you have one single data layer, connecting all other tools directly on our platform with a few clicks. Easy and simple as it should be!


How to install LinkedIn CAPI with JENTIS