30. November 2021

JENTIS Onboarding

How to get started - interview with our client success manager Alex

Today, we want to mix things a bit up. Instead of giving you a summary of an important industry development or a description of a technology, we interviewed our client success manager Alex Koletsis. We wanted to gather his experiences for you and let him explain how he experiences the onboarding process.

Hey Alex, thanks for the time. So let’s jump right in, I’m interested in implementing JENTIS; what do I need to do?

Alex: Well, first of all – Congrats for being ahead of time! (smiles) To get started I always walk clients through the typical setup of JENTIS and ask them relevant questions as we go along. Then, the first important question that I will ask you is: Which Domain do you want to track?

Why is it significant to know the domains?

Alex: The first step in every setup we do with clients is to have a brief look at their website. We check what tools are being used, how everything is implemented and come up with an analysis or checklist if you will of things we need to consider as we go along. Also, because JENTIS code is dependent on the main-domain, we need this information when sending you the material to really implement the JENTIS requirements.
These are very straight forward. All a customer needs to do is implement one JavaScript and one A-Record.

Why does one require an A-Record to be set? 

Alex:We all know that the age of 3rd Party Pixels is ending. It’s just a matter of time until they will no longer be supported. Therefore, companies need to build on 1st Party Data. This is only possible by deploying an A-record (DNS entry).

Interview: Is there something else I must do during the deployment? 

Alex: Yes, you have to deploy the JavaScript we provide you with. This needs to be implemented natively, so not via a Tag Manager. Oh and it needs to be deployed. Maybe one last thing, please don’t change the code we provide you with. I had a few clients that changed the code and then it didn’t work.

Where do I find the JavaScript and the A-Record? 

Alex: You can find it on your personal JENTIS Tag Manager Account.
Your Customer Success Manager will give you access to it as soon as the domain has been determined and the backend part of JENTIS has been set up.

And that’s it, then I can start with collecting data? 

Alex: This is the basic setup of JENTIS. Once this is done, you can start to migrate your tools, tags and triggers. And don’t forget to connect JENTIS with your consent bar (smiles).

Do you quickly want to summarise the benefits that JENTIS can offer me as a client? 

Alex: Yes of course, no problem. In general we separate between legal and technological benefits. We offer you full control of all your data and also of what you want to do with them. With our special system you can pseudonymize data before sending them to 3rd parties and therefore make it safer than your current setup from a legal perspective. In addition, we are also able to provide you with more and better data from your website users. With our hybrid tracking technology, we can restore all the lost session data from your customers using a system which deletes tracking cookies after a specific time (ITP Apple et.) And, furthermore, you can also track customers again who give their consent but use an Adblocker. Obviously, you can then get the raw data as well. I think that is the short version (laughs).

Any specific advantages that clients “like” the most?

Alex: Well, it depends very much on the case. We have customers that already do user clustering with our raw data. Other are really concerned about the privacy of their users which is why they opted for JENTIS. I think across all clients, data quality is the obvious one. I mean, we would you change your tools if they are no getting all data or are only a partial solution, right?

Makes sense Alex, appreciated. So what exactly can I expect in terms of data quality? 

Alex: This varies obviously from customer to customer, but we see shares of Tracking Prevention on clients at around 40-60 per cent. This means with these customers you should not use the data with you client-side tracking because the data has gaps and may put you off. Furthermore, the Adblocker varies usually between 5-20% depending on the customer and the mobile/desktop share. Overall, we can offer customers around 80-150% more usable data.

Wow that is really not bad. Why would I care about the missing data though? 

Alex: This is a good question and with many answers which is a probably a video for itself. But here is one to think about . Our evidence suggests that the customers that are using Tracking Prevention are usually clients with higher averages in the basket checkout. It is especially interesting to understand these customers, which you currently can no longer do. That is obviously just one answer. You also have advantages for attribution, channel distribution, marketing and so on. It is really a lot that is impacted here. As the saying goes “Bullshit in, bullshit out” (smiles).

Totally get that, but thanks for the input. Coming back to the implementation though: Are there further considerations I need to know of when we talk about onboarding? 

Alex: Depending on what you want to track, we will have to have a look at our data layer. Due to our hybrid server-side technology, we need to push to happen in the data layer, especially for one-page applications. This is why we do a server-side readiness check with our customers in order to determine how much effort it would be to use us.

One last question, how do I connect my consent bar once I have everything ready? 

Alex: As an EU-based company, data privacy is very important for us, and therefore we follow Data Protection Regulations. We have ready-made connectors to the largest CMP on the market, ready to use. If you have one that we currently do not have, we are happy to develop a new connector. In case, however, that you use a DIY CMP, we need you to add another JavaScript on your site.

Thanks a lot for being here today, Alex. Hopefully again soon.

Alex: Sure, it was fun. (smiles)

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