Google Analytics 4 server-side: Choosing the right Tag Manager

If you want to use Google Analytics 4 on the server side, you are faced with the decision: Google Tag Manager or JENTIS Data Capture Platform.

If you are currently trying to get to grips with Google Analytics 4 – you are not alone, we sympathize with you. Although many things have changed in the operation of the tool, one essential component remains the same in the basic version of GA4: it relies on client-side tracking.

This means that GA4’s reported user numbers are not reliable, especially the figures for new users. Ad blockers and tracking prevention measures block client-side tracking. Returning users are not recognized and mistakenly counted as “new” users. As a result, the user numbers are greatly distorted. No realistic analyses or accurate customer journeys can be created based on this data.

Switching to Server-Side Tracking: JENTIS vs. Google Tag Manager

As server-side tag management becomes increasingly critical for privacy, security, and data performance, companies often evaluate different solutions to meet their needs. Two notable options in this field are the Server-Side Google Tag Manager (sGTM) and JENTIS. This article aims to provide a thorough comparison between these platforms, focusing on frameworks, capabilities, hosting solutions, data management, and unique features to help make informed decisions.

Google Tag Manager: A Well-Known Tool with Limitations

Google Tag Manager (GTM) is a powerful tool known to most marketers. Its server-side version, sGTM, builds on this by employing server-based tracking functions. While this can be beneficial for smaller marketing teams, more complex operations may find it limited in maximizing the benefits of server-side tagging.

The Challenge with GA4 and Client-Side Tracking

If you are currently grappling with the complexities of Google Analytics 4 (GA4), you are not alone. GA4 introduces significant changes, but one critical component remains: it still heavily relies on client-side tracking in its basic form. This reliance on client-side tracking leads to inaccuracies, especially when reporting on new users.

Client-side tracking is vulnerable to ad blockers and tracking prevention technologies that prevent accurate tracking of user interactions. This causes new users to be counted incorrectly, as returning users may not be recognized and are falsely logged as new. Such inaccuracies can distort data, making it difficult to perform realistic analyses or accurately map customer journeys.

Why Server-Side Tracking Is Becoming Essential

To overcome these limitations, server-side tracking is becoming the new standard for web data collection. Google has developed the Server-Side Google Tag Manager (sGTM) to improve data collection by reducing reliance on client-side tracking. However, JENTIS offers an alternative with its independent server-side tracking platform, which enables accurate data collection and enhanced privacy controls without the limitations of the Google ecosystem.

Connectivity with Martech Tools

The Server-Side Google Tag Manager often relies on GA4 client-side tracking as a bridge to connect with other tools, which can compromise data quality. While it offers various community-developed APIs and templates, these can be inconsistent and may require additional configurations.

In contrast, JENTIS offers over 100 plug-and-play connectors that allow seamless and easy integration with a wide variety of martech tools without compromising data quality. JENTIS’s connectors are not dependent on external APIs, enabling constant updates and ensuring real-time data transfer. This results in maximum data integrity and timeliness. Additionally, JENTIS offers the flexibility to develop custom connections if needed, further enhancing usability and reliability. The plug-and-play nature of JENTIS connectors makes it especially user-friendly and allows companies to implement their preferred tools quickly and efficiently with minimal technical effort.

Supported Platforms, Environments, and Hosting Solutions

sGTM is optimized for the Google ecosystem, particularly the Google Cloud Program (GCP), using Cloud Run for deployment. Although it can be adapted to other environments like AWS and Azure, this requires additional configurations, complicating the setup and management process. Hosting sGTM on non-GCP platforms, such as using Docker containers, presents challenges in terms of auto-scaling and may be only partially supported officially. Managing such infrastructure requires specialized resources and continuous monitoring to ensure optimal performance and security, which demands a higher level of technical expertise and ongoing maintenance efforts from users.

In contrast, JENTIS offers greater flexibility in hosting options and supports platforms like IONOS and Azure. The platform does not force customers to use a specific data layer, allowing them to retain their existing setups, which simplifies integration and the transition process. JENTIS assumes full responsibility for infrastructure maintenance, including managing all aspects from initial setup to ongoing security updates and performance monitoring. This comprehensive service includes the management of backend systems, providing users with a seamless and reliable experience. By taking over the technical burden associated with hosting and infrastructure management, JENTIS enables customers to focus on their core business activities without worrying about backend complexities.

Flexibility and Customization Options

sGTM users are restricted to using sandboxed JavaScript for security reasons, which limits some customization options. This limitation can hinder complex data processing or transformation processes that require specific configurations.

In contrast, JENTIS allows open JavaScript coding on both the server and client side, providing more flexibility for advanced use cases. This flexibility is particularly beneficial for companies performing complex data processing or requiring specific configurations.

Privacy-Enhancing Features

JENTIS excels in privacy-enhancing features by giving customers full control over their data, a clear advantage over sGTM, which operates under Google’s infrastructure and data policies. This control is especially valuable for organizations that prioritize data sovereignty, as the JENTIS European headquarters ensures compliance with strict GDPR regulations, while sGTM may face compliance challenges due to data sovereignty concerns.

JENTIS offers the Essential Mode, which operates alongside Google’s Consent Mode, providing a two-layer approach to privacy that sGTM alone cannot achieve. The Essential Mode, in combination with Google’s Consent Mode, enables higher data quality, an additional layer to mitigate legal risks, and the ability to capture necessary data even when users do not consent to broader tracking. This balances the needs for compliance and data collection more effectively than sGTM, which relies heavily on Google’s Consent Mode and limits customization and control in data processing.

Implementation, Maintenance, and Support

The implementation and maintenance of sGTM require significant technical expertise, especially in tracking and server-side infrastructure. As a DIY solution, sGTM often involves a complex setup process that demands considerable time and resources. Users must manage their infrastructure, updates, and security measures and rely on community support and third-party services for assistance. While the community is robust, users often need to seek help in forums or hire external consultants for advanced troubleshooting and custom implementations. This reliance on third-party services can lead to variable support quality and potentially higher costs for specialized assistance.

In contrast, JENTIS offers a streamlined implementation process that minimizes the technical burden on users. The platform takes care of most of the setup, hosting, and maintenance, providing a seamless, ready-to-use experience. JENTIS allows full coding capabilities with ECMAScript versions, offering more extensive customization than the sandboxed JavaScript of sGTM. Additionally, JENTIS takes full responsibility for infrastructure maintenance, including security updates and performance monitoring.

Customers benefit from a comprehensive support structure, including a dedicated helpdesk for technical support, issue reporting, and feature requests. JENTIS also provides account managers to assist with more complex inquiries, ensuring customer satisfaction and efficient problem resolution. This structured support system helps customers quickly resolve concerns, reduce downtime, and minimize operational disruptions. By offering an all-inclusive service package, JENTIS ensures consistent and reliable support, making it an ideal choice for organizations seeking a hassle-free, effective, and privacy-compliant tag management solution.

Use Cases and Case Studies

Real Applications of sGTM

sGTM has been successfully implemented across various industries, providing businesses with the flexibility to tailor their tracking and data management solutions. Notable use cases include e-commerce companies leveraging advanced tracking capabilities and media organizations optimizing content delivery and ad targeting.

JENTIS in Action: Success Stories

Case studies demonstrate the effectiveness of JENTIS in industries such as finance, healthcare, and retail, where privacy and compliance are critical. Customers report improvements in data quality, ease of use, and overall platform performance and support. Read the success stories of our customers in our case studies.


Both the Server-Side Google Tag Manager (sGTM) and JENTIS offer valuable solutions for server-side tag management, each with different advantages and considerations. sGTM provides a highly customizable framework suitable for tech-savvy users who prefer a DIY approach and have the necessary technical expertise to manage infrastructure and integrations. The strong community support and flexible setup make it an attractive choice for those comfortable in complex technical environments.

JENTIS, on the other hand, focuses on providing a seamless, ready-to-use experience that prioritizes privacy, integrity, and ease of use. The platform’s comprehensive support, flexible hosting options, and robust privacy-enhancing features make it particularly appealing to organizations seeking a reliable and compliant solution without the burden of extensive technical management.

Google Tag Manager vs. JENTIS DCP
Info Sheet: JENTIS DCP vs. Server-side Google Tag Manager


sGTM, while offering customizable data transformation and consent modes, operates primarily through Google’s infrastructure, which can raise concerns for some about data jurisdiction and compliance. JENTIS, being EU-based, offers GDPR-compliant solutions with full data control and ownership for customers, providing enhanced privacy and compliance features.

JENTIS offers an easy-to-enable raw data feature, providing data in accessible formats like CSV or via secure FTP. sGTM requires additional engineering for raw data access, typically leveraging integrations with BigQuery or Firebase, which can be complex and resource-intensive.

Yes, JENTIS supports over 100 connectors and can develop custom connections upon request. This flexibility ensures seamless integration with a wide range of Martech tools, without the need for complex workarounds.

JENTIS is designed to minimize the technical burden on users, offering a streamlined setup and comprehensive support. While some technical understanding can be beneficial, the platform’s out-of-the-box nature and available support services reduce the need for deep technical expertise.

JENTIS offers unique features such as Essential Mode, which provide enhanced data privacy options. This feature is particularly valuable for organizations focusing on privacy compliance and data integrity.


Case Study: Google Analytics 4 with 100% Server-side Tracking

Learn how hosting provider World4You captures the maximum data quality for Google Analytics 4 with the JENTIS DCP.

Whitepaper: Advanced Server-Side Tracking with a Data Capture Platform

How to achieve maximum data quality for your marketing with server-side tracking while remaining privacy-compliant.


The most advanced Server-side Tracking Solution

Increase data quality in all your tools and applications with the most advanced and powerful server-side tracking technology on the market.