Case Study: How Pixum increased its Campaign Performance by 176%

Pixum collects up to 29.2% more data with JENTIS Server-Side Tracking, corrects 55% of customer journeys and increases its campaign performance by 176%.

Tracking Preventions, Ad-blockers and legal changes complicate the data collection for Online Marketing. With this realisation and affected by first ramifications, Pixum started to look for a solution at the beginning of 2021. Björn Prickartz, Head of Analytics & Conversion, quickly identified server-side tracking as a perfect fit. Due to the GDPR and the ePrivacy directive Pixum assessed various European solutions. With JENTIS they found an innovative partner, who focuses on data quality and protection with an advanced and mature technology.

Now, Pixum uses the JENTIS technology and tool connections to align media budgets, conduct exact analyses again and leverage data privacy for their competitive advantage.

The improvement in data quality enabled Pixum to achieve more precise attribution and optimize their marketing budgets. In a test campaign, Pixum was able to increase new customer revenue by 176% compared to the previous year.

Pixum plans to migrate all existing systems to the JENTIS solution and make data privacy a central part of their MarTech stack.

Learn more in the full case study, available for download below.


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Pixum Campaign Performance Case Study

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