JENTIS at eTail Germany 2024 in Berlin

Experts talk on post third-party-cookie strategies by Thomas Tauchner at eTail Germany in Berlin.

Talk by Thomas Tauchner

on March 19, 4:30 to 4:50 pm CET

Transforming challenges into opportunities: Strategies for the post third-party cookies era

The impending end of third-party cookies, already disabled for 1% of Chrome users, impacts all businesses. JENTIS has guided over 100 companies through this transition, gaining insights into effective adaptation strategies. Thomas Tauchner’s presentation will share crucial strategies and insights for businesses reliant on quality data, covering both those new to first-party data strategies and those already implementing server-side tracking. He will highlight client success stories and discuss the competitive advantage gained through the use of innovative technology.

What to expect:

  • Strategic steps for adapting to the changing data landscape, including navigating the shift without third-party cookies.
  • Key features for web tracking software success, focusing on legal data collection, data enrichment, and leveraging raw data for business intelligence, unaffected by major tech companies.
  • The importance of zero-, first-, and third-party data, and how to enhance your data strategy for competitive leadership.

This talk offers a comprehensive roadmap to excelling in the new data environment, ensuring compliance and boosting business.



Thomas Tauchner, Founder and CEO, JENTIS
Having entered the industry at a young age, Thomas always had an eye on the current needs of the market and was always one step ahead of technological progress over time. After working as Head of Web Analytics at e-Dialog, he founded his own agency for web analytics in 2014 – Webrocket GmbH. To solve the problems observed here in online marketing, he developed JENTIS, the server-side tracking solution.

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